"The righteous shall live by faith." (Romans 1:17)



U.S. & Global Mission



Global Mission Board


• Global Mission Board

he responsibilities of the Global Mission Board are to establish and evaluate policies, to offer guidance and counsel in the area of Global Missions, to establish and uphold standards for appointed world missionaries, and to establish and uphold standards for candidates for world missions appointment. The decisions by the board are subject to review by the EAPCA General Assembly Office. The Global Mission Boards is composed of the following officers:

  • Executive Director of Global Missions
  • Stated Clerk (by virtue of position)
  • Administrator
  • Regional Directors
  • Eight pastors from different areas of the nation
  • Eight laypersons, endorsed by their pastors, from different areas of the nation

• Global Missions Committee

The Global Missions Committee performs general administrative work of the EAPCA Global Missions division. The responsibilities of the Global Missions Committee are the general supervision and direction of the division and its missionaries in conformity with the established policies and principles of The General Assembly of the Evangelical Assembly of Presbyterian Churches in America and the Global Missions Board. The Global Missions Committee is composed of the following officers:

  • Executive Director of Global Missions (as chairperson)
  • Administrator (as vice-chairperson)
  • Regional Directors
  • Department Leaders
  • Other personnel, as determined by the EAPCA General Assembly Office

• Board of Appeals

The Board of Appeals acts on any appeal to the decisions of the division. The Board of Appeals is composed of the following officers:

  • Those members of the Global Missions Board who are not members of the Global Missions Committee

• National Church Organization

Missionaries make every effort to establish indigenous EAPCA national church organizations in the countries they serve. Organizational patterns shall conform to practical, cultural forms acceptable to the body of believers. Close fraternal relationships with Evangelical Assembly of Presbyterian Churches organizations in other countries are encouraged without infringement affecting the autonomy of each national organization.

  • Formed by missionaries in the countries they serve

• Missionary Fellowship

The missionary fellowships serve in an advisory capacity to the EAPCA's Global Missions in matteres of policy and missionary personnel, relative to their respective fields.

  • Formed by all appointed missionaries assigned to a region of EAPCA Global Missions


Americas, Russia, Europe, China, SEA, South Asia, Australia, Africa, Middle East


U.S. & Global Mission

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